📔Contract Addresses

Wallet Addresses:

  1. Gov fund (project treasury): 0x80fd0accC8Da81b0852d2Dca17b5DDab68f22253

  2. Multi-sig ($ARB delegator): 0xF8E93a7D954F7d31D5Fa54Bc0Eb0E384412a158d

Active Contracts:

Old Contracts:

Old contracts can still interact with the ecosystem but are not necessary or advisable to use. They mainly exist to allow anyone who still holds GFARM2 or NFTs to migrate. - Old NFTs can still be swapped to bridgeable NFTs and bridged here, and redeemed for GNS here. - Old GFARM2 tokens can still be bridged and converted to $GNS here.




Last updated