
Details how to fetch trade data from off-chain services

Backend services, for the purpose of managing trades, do not provide anything that can't be fetched or listened to directly on-chain.

It is recommended to use gTrade backends when possible however to improve resilience against RPC issues - service is optimized for uptime.


Common DNS syntax - backend-<network>

NOTE: No auth is required for accessing REST GET endpoints and the WebSocket event stream. However, rate limiting is in place, so please fetch data only as necessary and rely on the event stream to keep your data updated.

Backend types

You can find backends return types HERE

Normalizing backend values

Keep in mind that for SDK usage, you need to normalize selected string values. Example: FeeBackend should be normalized to meet Fee frontend interface following way (js implementation):

const convertFee = (fee: FeeBackend): Fee => ({
  openFeeP: parseFloat(fee.openFeeP) / 1e12,
  closeFeeP: parseFloat(fee.closeFeeP) / 1e12,
  minPositionSizeUsd: parseFloat(fee.minPositionSizeUsd) / 1e18,
  triggerOrderFeeP: parseFloat(fee.triggerOrderFeeP) / 1e12,

Common Endpoints

Trading Variables

Provides main data necessary for opening, closing, managing trades. Payload also contains all active trades (allTrades).


GET /trading-variables


  lastRefreshed: "2024-05-20T21:07:02.133Z", // string, timestamp 
  refreshId: 6180, // number, unique identifier
  tradingState: 0,
  maxGainP: 900, // number, maximum percentage gain per single trade
  marketOrdersTimeoutBlocks: 200, // number of blocks after which an unsuccessful order's collateral can be reclaimed
  pairs : [ // array, containing objects for each trading pair
      from: "ETH",
      to: "USD",
      spreadP: "400000000",
      groupIndex: "0",
      feeIndex: "0"
    // Other trading pairs...
  groups: [ // array, containing objects for each trading group
        name: "crypto",
        minLeverage: "2",
        maxLeverage: "150"
    // Other trading groups...
  fees: [ // array, containing objects for each fee category
      openFeeP: "300000000",
      closeFeeP: "600000000",
      oracleFeeP: "1",
      triggerOrderFeeP: "200000000",
      minPositionSizeUsd: "10000000000000000000000"
    // Other fee categories...
  pairInfos: {
    maxLeverages: [], // array, leverage overrides for each pair index for risk management
    pairDepths: [] // array, 1% depth (in USD) for current price per each pair index
    pairFactors: [] // array, protection close & cumulative factors for each pair index
  collaterals: [ // array, containing objects for each supported collateral
      collateralIndex: 1,
      collateral: "0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1", // string, collateral token address e.g., WETH, USDC, DAI
      symbol: "DAI",
      isActive: true,
      prices: {}, // object, collateral / GNS USD prices
      collateralConfig: {}, // object, collateral precision and decimals
      gToken: {}, // object, address and market cap of gToken e.g., gWETH, gUSDC, gDAI
      borrowingFees: {} // object, fees for every group and pair index
    // Other collaterals...
  sssTokenBalance: "23314652901338666091114242", // string, amount of $GNS staked in single-side staking
  sssLegacyTokenBalance: "112675327174399043872284", // string, legacy single-side staking balance
  sssRewardTokens: ["0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1", ...], // array, addresses of tokens (collaterals) distributed as rewards
  vaultClosingFeeP: "50", // number, vault closing fee percentage
  maxNegativePnlOnOpenP: 400000000000, // number, maximum negative PnL threshold upon trade opening
  blockConfirmations: 1, // number, required block confirmations
  oiWindowsSettings: { // object, settings for cumulative volume windows
      startTs: 1704401556,
      windowsDuration: 150,
      windowsCount: 4
  oiWindows: [ // array, cumulative volume window objects for each trading pair
      "1645": {
        oiLongUsd: "8484501256212500000000", // open longs + close shorts
        oiShortUsd: "17262712465625000000000" // close longs + open shorts
      // Other windows...
    // Other trading pairs...
  feeTiers: { // object, gCredit system fee tiers
    tiers: [ // array, all possible point tiers/thresholds
          feeMultiplier: "975",
          pointsThreshold: "6000000"
      // Other tiers...
    multipliers: [ // array, point multipliers for each trading group (by index)
      // Other multipliers...
  allTrades: [ // array, objects representing each active trade/order
      trade: {
        user: "0x7152BC14A1eFBfD553D1Cbc7D4E49e63Dae5A669",
        index: "0", // user's trade index
        pairIndex: "19",
        leverage: "150000", // number, leverage supports up to 3 decimals
        long: true,
        isOpen: true,
        collateralIndex: "1",
        tradeType: "2", // number, 0 - MARKET, 1 - LIMIT, 2 - STOP
        collateralAmount: "550000000000000000000",
        openPrice: "7700000000",
        tp: "8162000000",
        sl: "0"
      tradeInfo: {
        createdBlock: "192695790",
        tpLastUpdatedBlock: "192695790",
        slLastUpdatedBlock: "192695790",
        maxSlippageP: "1000",
        lastOiUpdateTs: 0,
        collateralPriceUsd: "0"
      initialAccFees: {
        accPairFee: "0",
        accGroupFee: "0",
        block: "0"
    // Other trades...
  currentBlock: 213452457,
  currentL1Block: 19916646,
  isForexOpen: true,
  isStocksOpen: false,
  isIndicesOpen: false,
  isCommoditiesOpen: true,

User Trading Variables

Provides useful trader specific data, such as pending order IDs and fee tiers.


GET /user-trading-variables/<address>


    pendingMarketOrdersIds: [], 
    pendingMarketOrders: [], // array, user's market orders that are currently being processed
    feeTiers: { // object, gCredit system details
      traderInfo: {
          lastDayUpdated: 19864, // number, last recorded day on-chain
          trailingPoints: "199553481323944469547134920" // string, cumulative user's gCredit points
      lastDayUpdatedPoints: "5397470676054960000000000", // string, user's on-chain points as of the last update
      inboundPoints: "5397470676054960000000000", // string, points expected to be added the next day
      outboundPoints: "0", // string, points expected to expire the next day
      expiredPoints: [] // array of strings, points for each expired day not yet recorded on-chain
    collaterals: [ // array, user holdings and allowances for each collateral
        balance: "5000086815959570800000", // string, user's collateral balance
        allowance: "5000086815959570800000", // string, user's collateral allowance
        decimals: 18 // number, number of decimal places for the collateral
      // Other collaterals...

Historical Trades

Provides all historical trades (open & closed) for a given address


GET /personal-trading-history-table/<address>

Provides all open & closed trades in last 24hrs

GET /trading-history-24h

Response (same for both historical endpoints):

    date: "2024-05-21T12:04:44.000Z", // string, timestamp
    pair: "W/USD",
    address: "0x1454A3be2322B60B813713E11af36bbAF4CfeeA7",
    action: "TradeOpenedMarket", // string, type of trade action (see TradeAction type below)
    price: 0.5697297128, 
    collateralPriceUsd: 1.0003745, 
    long: 1, // number, position direction (1 for long, 0 for short)
    size: 3160.946482, // number, trade collateral
    leverage: 7, 
    pnl_net: 0, // number, net profit and loss after fees
    tx: "0x7e71dd845bb791803c16b13e4e5fe6c1a764dec4aef8205dd1f7ab8c91309aff",
    collateralIndex: 1,
    collateralDelta: 5, // number if collateral updated through partials
    leverageDelta: 20, // number if leverage updated through partials
    marketPrice: 0.5837195234 // number, market price during position size update through partials
  // Other trades...

// Possible values for TradeAction
type TradeAction = [

Event Stream

As mentioned in Events, backend event streams can serve as proxies for on-chain trade events. The stream will publish both unconfirmed and confirmed events. Unconfirmed events are published until the risk a block is reorged is negligible, at which point a confirmed event is sent. For most integrations, only confirmed events (liveEvent) need to be listened to.

Backends also publish structured, post-processed events based on what on-chain event has just taken place. For example, registerTrade provides a full trade struct following the raw event MarketOrderExecuted. This is to limit how much clients need to fetch additional data.


    name: <event name>,
    value: { <payload> },

Common event names:

  • liveEvents - raw on-chain events. Payload is identical to on-chain event.

  • registerTrade - trade has been registered

  • unregisterTrade - trade has been closed

  • updateTrade - trade SL/TP has been updated

  • updateLeverage - trade leverage updated (collateral removed or added)

  • updatePositionSize - trade position size updated (adding to position or partial close)

  • tradingVariables - updated /trading-variables payload

  • currentBlock - L2 block number for network

  • currentL1Block - L1 block number for network

  • deepReorg - Reorg has been detected - refresh data

  • new-trade-history - New trade history document

Last updated